Monday, July 13, 2015

 July 14, 2015 

M Jayaram M, bangalore:

This is a coup is exactly right.
This goes beyond harsh into pure vindictiveness, complete destruction of national sovereignty, and no hope of relief.

Paul Krugman  One more pawn sacrificed to the invisible hand of monetary sharks. Greece finally blinked.

Garg Ravi:

 it is my hypothesis that 
( ?-You and -) 
I , yes I - myself are part of the " sharks " group .
I benefit from this blood sucking sharks group , 
I had been brainwashed into thinking and feeling that I am either a victim or a bystander ,
and that the sharks are some other people .
No sir , I am a paid executive at level 55 perhaps , in a say-100-level hierarchy of paid mercenaries , or sharks , 
to enable the sweat , hard work and surplus of people below me to be transferred in a big way to people above me .
Since 1972 Jamaica Agreement Bretton Woods 2 , 
world has a fiat money economy .
Gold backing for any nation s currency is over , finished .
So there is no need to have capital ,.. 
no importance of capital of the Marx kind that came out of savings of an individual or of a business or out of taxes unspent , in a gold backed monetary system.
Capital is created electronically when a borrower comes forward .
This is the only way capital is created ,
and the Bank that creates this capital does so without any gold backing .
If you have any documents to show otherwise , please advise .

Do you agree yes ?........ or no ?....... let me know before reading further .

The lesson for a survivor like me ,
or for the greedy egoist person in me ,
the lesson is to juice the system (- viz. the society approved processes - )
more efficiently than others , and keep climbing up the hierarchy ,..
of sharks as you label it ...
if I stop moving up due lack of skill or of energy , 
then immediately I shall start sliding down , thus enabling more people to exploit my sweat blood surplus.
The traditional economy models are extinct .
There is no Capital , as we oldies understood it , in any nation of the world after 1972 treaty in Jamaica .
All Capital enters the economy as a debt to the Central Bank s or to other Commercial Banks .
All currencies of the world are derived from US Dollar / US Treasuries , only .
Gold is not in the picture  
( except in a miniscule insignificant  way as a small component of SDR ,  SDR  form less than 1% of world s currencies ).

 M Jayaram M, bangalore:

 When, if at all will the bubble burst ? What sort of legacy are we leaving behind ?

Garg Ravi:

In old days , a person who had accumulated capital was called a shark ...
maybe you are thinking of Shylock .. 
now , so to say , one can become a Bank or a Banker , 
based on borrowing from someone who is close to the top rungs of the hierarchy ... 
or , based on borrowing from people higher up 
and lending the same freshly printed capital to those below me , 
or to those at close to my level , 
or even to those above my level ... 
knifing those who borrow from me is the game ,

( I had told K K Ladha just before the Greece referendum 
that Greek debts shall not be written off , and that only the creditors of Greek debt shall be bailed out ! )  

as long as I can share the loot with 
lawyers ,  judges United Nations , USA senators , who are the umpires in this game of earning money ... 
or I can train myself to win in the fight amongst gladiators ... 
( the training is based in Wharton school of finance , 
not in IIM s or IIt s .)
or I can take up a job aka cleaning the stables of the gladiators 
by becoming a programmer or an MBA  at iit or iim !

Maybe, Varoufakis , whom I respect , 
should become consultant to Greece PM to convert Greece into a platform company ....

What is a Platform Company ? Do you know .. yes or no..?

There is not much value in economic value added in agriculture , or manufacturing , or Services sectors if you carefully understand what is a Platform Company .
What is taught in IIM s and most MBA s is obsolete .

The people you label as sharks , 
- in my view the whole world is peopled by sharks .. 
just replace the word shark by the word fish and you ll understand ! ..
some sharks created a LEGO world called nations , sovereignty around 1650 treaty of Westphalia , 
and now the same sharks are changing rules of the game with help of mercenaries like us ...

let us create new playing field s , with rules to our advantage .... 
-also the sharks above us are shivering in their castles like  jealous insecure beautiful women !

I just saw yr Sms ... 
dear respected friend ... 
you can raise yourself above the ground  , 
I am trying .. spiritually n metaphorically   ..
.. .. please look in a mirror ,  

You are a Lion ...ROAR and let us pick up the bayonets and get into the ring !

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