Sunday, February 28, 2016

Schwarz - Luttwak's Coup D'Etat - A Practical Handbook

Schwarz - Luttwak's
Coup D'Etat - A
Practical Handbook
From Karl W B Schwarz
My last update introduced you to Edward Luttwak, a hardliner Zionist with ideas about Israel that many Israelis find harsh and belligerent. Mr. Luttwak actually made the well-known comment about bombing in 1990 or 1991, just before George H.W. Bush attacked Iraq in a set-up of Saddam Hussein. In the same way, George W. Bush pulled a set-up in 2003.
The main point: if you know the Neocons, you will recognize their references. Luttwak, an Israeli citizen, said "we" rather than "the US is going to bomb them into the Stone Age". Take his comments in the context they were probably meant, and you will know where his allegiance lies.
Pay attention to history and learn from it. What started the first Gulf War? What was the true underlying reason? Iraq found out that Kuwait, with the assistance of certain U.S. oil service companies, had installed directional drilled wells from Kuwait, under the Kuwait - Iraq border and were stealing the Iraq oil from the southern fields near Basra. Those companies were siphoning off billions of dollars from the trade in Iraqi oil, or, put another way, committing grand theft to the tune of billions of U.S. dollars. When the issue turned into a diplomatic dispute, our government, through Ambassador April Glaspie, explicitly told Saddam that aggression toward Kuwait to collect on this debt-and stop the theft of Iraqi oil-was of no interest to the United States. Do you see the set-up?
A transcript of that discussion is available at this link:
One day while we were looking through 9-11 evidence, I was contacted by a person in the U.S. Foreign Service. Just before Iraq invaded Kuwait to collect on stolen billions, a conference call took place between the United States and Iraq. That call made the "green light" even mo

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