Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Part II: British Imperial Administration (proto-NGOs)
A book of invaluable use in understanding British imperial administration is "Colonial Georgia: A Study in British Imperial Policy in the Eighteenth Century." Published by the University of Georgia Press and written by Trevor Reese, it successfully endeavored to illustrate "practically every facet of British colonial policy" using Georgia as a case study.
A book of invaluable use in understanding British imperial administration is "Colonial Georgia: A Study in British Imperial Policy in the Eighteenth Century." Published by the University of Georgia Press and written by Trevor Reese, it successfully endeavored to illustrate "practically every facet of British colonial policy" using Georgia as a case study.
Monday, March 28, 2016
ClubOrlov: The Color Counterrevolution Cometh
ClubOrlov: The Color Counterrevolution Cometh: Alex Podesta Had Sun Tsu co-authored a treatise on the art of sports with Capt. Obvious, a quote from that seminal work would probably r...
Had Sun Tsu co-authored a treatise on the art of sports with Capt. Obvious, a quote from that seminal work would probably read as follows:
Behind the Washington régime stands a group of transnational oligarchs, including many of the richest people in the world, and the game they play is as follows:
1. Saddle countries around the world with unrepayable levels of debt, most of which is stolen as soon as it is disbursed, leaving a population perpetually saddled with onerous repayment terms. This used to be done by the US to countries around the world, and has most recently been done to the US itself.
2. This game often results in rebellion, and the well-bribed national leaders in the rebellious countries are expected to put down the rebellion using any means necessary. But if they fail to suppress the rebellion, or if they side with the rebels, then they need to be regime-changed and replaced with a more subservient leadership, and the Color Revolution Syndicate swings into action.
3. The first ploy is to organize young people into a “nonviolent” protest movement (“nonviolent” is in quotes because mobbing the streets, shutting down commerce and blocking access to public buildings are all acts of violence). Their goal is to erode the boundaries of what's allowed, until law and order break down and chaos and mayhem take over. At that point, the leadership that is to be regime-changed is supposed to jump on a plane never to be heard from again. But if they fail to do so, the next step in the program is...
4. Mass murder. Snipers are flown in and kill lots of people indiscriminately, while Western media blames the deaths on the soon-to-be-overthrown government. At this point most national leaders, sensing that their lives are at risk, choose to flee. This is what happened with the Ukraine's Yanukovich. But sometimes, as happened with Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, they simply retreat to a well-defended residence outside the capital and wait things out. And then a magic thing happens: the revolution chokes on itself. Local self-defense units form to protect neighborhoods; out of them emerges a partisan movement to thwart attempts by foreigners to further destabilize the country; and, after much bloodshed, law and order and a legitimate government return. This could have happened in Egypt, if it weren't for the efforts of traitors within Mubarak's own government. But then there is always...
5. Political assassination. If mass murder doesn't work, it's time to send in the assassins and physically eliminate the leadership. This has happened in Libya. As Hillary Clinton put it, paraphrasing Julius Caesar, “We came, we saw, he died!” Beware the Ides of March, Hillary!
By this time, it generally has to be conceded that the Color Revolution did not go according to plan, and the Washington régime starts doing its best to pretend that the sad country in question doesn't exist. If someone manages to make it past face control and has the temerity to point out that it does exist, then the point is made doesn't matter because it isn't a vital interest. As Obama just pointed out [paraphrased by Jeffrey Goldberg writing for The Atlantic]: “Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one.” This caused one Zbigniew Brzezinski to spit up all over his shirt. To be sure, there is fine comedy to be had when things don't go according to plan for the Washington régime.
Recently, things have only been going downhill for the Color Revolution Syndicate. George Soros's NGOs, which have been used to organize Color Revolutions, have been kicked out of both Russia and China; the silly “Umbrella Revolution” in Hong-Kong went nowhere slowly; Russia used its military training budget to rescue the government in Syria and to thrash ISIS and friends, and then moved on to negotiating a political settlement. And when Soros, in a fit of pique, tried to attack the Chinese currency, the Chinese laughed in his face and beat him about the head and shoulders with a printing press until he retreated.
Not only that, but things haven't been going so well for the Washington régime either. The fake Democrat/Republican duopoly, which it has been using to simulate democracy and to disguise the fact that it's all made to order for the same bunch of transnational oligarchs, is in trouble: a barbarian is at the gates. His name is Donald Trump, and he's had the régime in his sights for many years. And now he is moving in for the kill.
Trump isn't even that good at it, but this is a super-easy job. As I said, the Washington régime is just as hated within the US as it is around the world, if not more. Trump's slogan of “Make America great again!” may sound overly ambitious, but what if his promise is to make America great again at exactly one thing—throwing members of the Washington régime on the ground and stomping on their heads until they pop? I am pretty sure that he can get this done.
Moreover, Trump doesn't even try to be that good, although he is certainly very good at causing people to lose their minds. I came across one commentator who bounced off Carl Jung's proto-new-age woo-woo on Hitler being a reincarnation of the Norse god Wotan and went on to claim that Trump is a reincarnation of Wotan's brother Loki the Trickster. But here is a much simpler idea: Trump is an epitome of Trump. He enjoys being himself, and the unwashed multitudes find this aspirational because they are sick and tired of being told how they should think and behave by a bunch of clueless puppets.
Lastly, Trump gets a lot of help—from his enemies. All they have to do for him to prevail is to carry on being themselves—saying politically and perhaps even factually correct things, toeing the party line, carefully distancing themselves from Trump, repeating the talking points fed to them by Washington think tanks and generally being as useless and boring as possible. Then all Trump has to do to win is to distinguish himself from them by being rude, crude, vulgar, crass, obnoxious and raucously fun. Can you figure out on your own which one the people will pick—useless and boring or raucously fun—or will I need to summon Capt. Obvious again?
The Washington régime, and the oligarchs that back it and profit from it, have finally groked all of this, which is why they have been huddling and trying to organize a Color Counterrevolution that can stop Trump in his tracks. Soros and the 'garchs started throwing around big bags of cash to get the counterrevolution on even before the actual Trump revolution happens. They were initially successful, shutting down a venue in Chicago with the help of Soros-owned But it seems doubtful that they will prevail in the end. Instead, it seems more likely that they will give rise to a partisan movement.
You see, in the US hatred of the Washington régime runs very deep, with millions of people sick and tired of being swindled by various hated bureaucracies—in government, law, medicine, education, the military, banking... They hate those who took away their jobs and gave them to foreigners and immigrants. They hate those who stole their retirement savings and ruined their children's futures. They hate the smug university types who keep telling them what to think and how to speak, making them feel inadequate simply for being who they are—salt of the earth Americans, racist, bigoted, small-minded, parochial, willfully ignorant, armed to the teeth and proud of it. There is very little that the régime can ask of these people, because the response to every possible ask is “no, because we hate you.”
And when these people, who are already seething with hatred, look at the political landscape, what do they see? They see the Democrats pushing the candidacy of the banker-crony-crook Clinton, and the only alternative is the full-socialistard “I am from the US government and I am here to help” Sanders who seems to be stuck in some sort of Great Society time warp. (There may be governments that get socialism right; the US government will never be one of them.)
They also see that the Republican establishment, previously so full of pseudorevolutionary puffery, is now so afraid of Trump that it would rather throw the election to the Democrats than support their own candidate, and this fills them with anger and disgust. Take all that seething hatred, mix in lots of anger and disgust, knead it, let it rise, and now you can bake a popular insurgency.
And a popular insurgency, or a partisan movement, is exactly what it takes to defeat the Color Revolution Syndicate. You see, the official authorities, be they the police, the army, the secret service or private security, are limited in the things they can do. In some ways, their hands are tied: if they violate law and order in order to defend law and order, they become mired in self-contradiction, and that just makes it more difficult for them to defend it the next time around.
But the partisans can do anything they want. They can infiltrate the protest movement and commit acts of violence in order to provoke the authorities into taking perfectly justifiable action. They can act to misdirect, demoralize and splinter protest groups. They can use social media to “out” the Color Revolution's leaders and those who finance them (who, to remain effective, must hide in the shadows). They can liaise with the official authorities and trade favors for information.
If the Color Revolution shows signs of proceeding to the point where the tactics of Massacre and Political Assassination are about to be tried, they can form commando units, to make sure that these tactics lead to some massive unintended consequences, preventing their productive use. And if all else fails, they can form a guerrilla movement which, in order to win, simply has to not lose.
If all goes well then, starting next year, tens of thousands of Washington operatives, along with their friends in various politically connected industries, such as banking, defense, medicine and education, will evacuate to a variety of nonextradition countries (which will no doubt respond by raising the prices of their passports) while thousands more will begin their lengthy sojourns at federal penitentiaries. And thus the crisis will be defused.
And if it doesn't go well, then we'll probably be looking at a “deteriorating security environment.” How far it will deteriorate is anyone's guess, but if you are one of the Washington régime's stooges then you may want to get yourself a second passport before the prices go up and get out ahead of time.
The Color Counterrevolution Cometh
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Alex Podesta |
If your team keeps playing an offensive game and keeps losing, eventually it will end up playing a defensive game, and will lose that too.Stands to reason, doesn't it? The team I have in mind is the neocon-infested Washington régime, which is by now almost universally hated, both within the US and outside of its borders, and the offensive game is the game that has been played by the Color Revolution Syndicate, with George Soros writing the checks and calling the shots. Having lost ground around the world, it is now turning its attention to trying to hold on to its home turf, which is the US.
Behind the Washington régime stands a group of transnational oligarchs, including many of the richest people in the world, and the game they play is as follows:
1. Saddle countries around the world with unrepayable levels of debt, most of which is stolen as soon as it is disbursed, leaving a population perpetually saddled with onerous repayment terms. This used to be done by the US to countries around the world, and has most recently been done to the US itself.
2. This game often results in rebellion, and the well-bribed national leaders in the rebellious countries are expected to put down the rebellion using any means necessary. But if they fail to suppress the rebellion, or if they side with the rebels, then they need to be regime-changed and replaced with a more subservient leadership, and the Color Revolution Syndicate swings into action.
3. The first ploy is to organize young people into a “nonviolent” protest movement (“nonviolent” is in quotes because mobbing the streets, shutting down commerce and blocking access to public buildings are all acts of violence). Their goal is to erode the boundaries of what's allowed, until law and order break down and chaos and mayhem take over. At that point, the leadership that is to be regime-changed is supposed to jump on a plane never to be heard from again. But if they fail to do so, the next step in the program is...
4. Mass murder. Snipers are flown in and kill lots of people indiscriminately, while Western media blames the deaths on the soon-to-be-overthrown government. At this point most national leaders, sensing that their lives are at risk, choose to flee. This is what happened with the Ukraine's Yanukovich. But sometimes, as happened with Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, they simply retreat to a well-defended residence outside the capital and wait things out. And then a magic thing happens: the revolution chokes on itself. Local self-defense units form to protect neighborhoods; out of them emerges a partisan movement to thwart attempts by foreigners to further destabilize the country; and, after much bloodshed, law and order and a legitimate government return. This could have happened in Egypt, if it weren't for the efforts of traitors within Mubarak's own government. But then there is always...
5. Political assassination. If mass murder doesn't work, it's time to send in the assassins and physically eliminate the leadership. This has happened in Libya. As Hillary Clinton put it, paraphrasing Julius Caesar, “We came, we saw, he died!” Beware the Ides of March, Hillary!
By this time, it generally has to be conceded that the Color Revolution did not go according to plan, and the Washington régime starts doing its best to pretend that the sad country in question doesn't exist. If someone manages to make it past face control and has the temerity to point out that it does exist, then the point is made doesn't matter because it isn't a vital interest. As Obama just pointed out [paraphrased by Jeffrey Goldberg writing for The Atlantic]: “Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one.” This caused one Zbigniew Brzezinski to spit up all over his shirt. To be sure, there is fine comedy to be had when things don't go according to plan for the Washington régime.
Recently, things have only been going downhill for the Color Revolution Syndicate. George Soros's NGOs, which have been used to organize Color Revolutions, have been kicked out of both Russia and China; the silly “Umbrella Revolution” in Hong-Kong went nowhere slowly; Russia used its military training budget to rescue the government in Syria and to thrash ISIS and friends, and then moved on to negotiating a political settlement. And when Soros, in a fit of pique, tried to attack the Chinese currency, the Chinese laughed in his face and beat him about the head and shoulders with a printing press until he retreated.
Not only that, but things haven't been going so well for the Washington régime either. The fake Democrat/Republican duopoly, which it has been using to simulate democracy and to disguise the fact that it's all made to order for the same bunch of transnational oligarchs, is in trouble: a barbarian is at the gates. His name is Donald Trump, and he's had the régime in his sights for many years. And now he is moving in for the kill.
Trump isn't even that good at it, but this is a super-easy job. As I said, the Washington régime is just as hated within the US as it is around the world, if not more. Trump's slogan of “Make America great again!” may sound overly ambitious, but what if his promise is to make America great again at exactly one thing—throwing members of the Washington régime on the ground and stomping on their heads until they pop? I am pretty sure that he can get this done.
Moreover, Trump doesn't even try to be that good, although he is certainly very good at causing people to lose their minds. I came across one commentator who bounced off Carl Jung's proto-new-age woo-woo on Hitler being a reincarnation of the Norse god Wotan and went on to claim that Trump is a reincarnation of Wotan's brother Loki the Trickster. But here is a much simpler idea: Trump is an epitome of Trump. He enjoys being himself, and the unwashed multitudes find this aspirational because they are sick and tired of being told how they should think and behave by a bunch of clueless puppets.
Lastly, Trump gets a lot of help—from his enemies. All they have to do for him to prevail is to carry on being themselves—saying politically and perhaps even factually correct things, toeing the party line, carefully distancing themselves from Trump, repeating the talking points fed to them by Washington think tanks and generally being as useless and boring as possible. Then all Trump has to do to win is to distinguish himself from them by being rude, crude, vulgar, crass, obnoxious and raucously fun. Can you figure out on your own which one the people will pick—useless and boring or raucously fun—or will I need to summon Capt. Obvious again?
The Washington régime, and the oligarchs that back it and profit from it, have finally groked all of this, which is why they have been huddling and trying to organize a Color Counterrevolution that can stop Trump in his tracks. Soros and the 'garchs started throwing around big bags of cash to get the counterrevolution on even before the actual Trump revolution happens. They were initially successful, shutting down a venue in Chicago with the help of Soros-owned But it seems doubtful that they will prevail in the end. Instead, it seems more likely that they will give rise to a partisan movement.
You see, in the US hatred of the Washington régime runs very deep, with millions of people sick and tired of being swindled by various hated bureaucracies—in government, law, medicine, education, the military, banking... They hate those who took away their jobs and gave them to foreigners and immigrants. They hate those who stole their retirement savings and ruined their children's futures. They hate the smug university types who keep telling them what to think and how to speak, making them feel inadequate simply for being who they are—salt of the earth Americans, racist, bigoted, small-minded, parochial, willfully ignorant, armed to the teeth and proud of it. There is very little that the régime can ask of these people, because the response to every possible ask is “no, because we hate you.”
And when these people, who are already seething with hatred, look at the political landscape, what do they see? They see the Democrats pushing the candidacy of the banker-crony-crook Clinton, and the only alternative is the full-socialistard “I am from the US government and I am here to help” Sanders who seems to be stuck in some sort of Great Society time warp. (There may be governments that get socialism right; the US government will never be one of them.)
They also see that the Republican establishment, previously so full of pseudorevolutionary puffery, is now so afraid of Trump that it would rather throw the election to the Democrats than support their own candidate, and this fills them with anger and disgust. Take all that seething hatred, mix in lots of anger and disgust, knead it, let it rise, and now you can bake a popular insurgency.
And a popular insurgency, or a partisan movement, is exactly what it takes to defeat the Color Revolution Syndicate. You see, the official authorities, be they the police, the army, the secret service or private security, are limited in the things they can do. In some ways, their hands are tied: if they violate law and order in order to defend law and order, they become mired in self-contradiction, and that just makes it more difficult for them to defend it the next time around.
But the partisans can do anything they want. They can infiltrate the protest movement and commit acts of violence in order to provoke the authorities into taking perfectly justifiable action. They can act to misdirect, demoralize and splinter protest groups. They can use social media to “out” the Color Revolution's leaders and those who finance them (who, to remain effective, must hide in the shadows). They can liaise with the official authorities and trade favors for information.
If the Color Revolution shows signs of proceeding to the point where the tactics of Massacre and Political Assassination are about to be tried, they can form commando units, to make sure that these tactics lead to some massive unintended consequences, preventing their productive use. And if all else fails, they can form a guerrilla movement which, in order to win, simply has to not lose.
If all goes well then, starting next year, tens of thousands of Washington operatives, along with their friends in various politically connected industries, such as banking, defense, medicine and education, will evacuate to a variety of nonextradition countries (which will no doubt respond by raising the prices of their passports) while thousands more will begin their lengthy sojourns at federal penitentiaries. And thus the crisis will be defused.
And if it doesn't go well, then we'll probably be looking at a “deteriorating security environment.” How far it will deteriorate is anyone's guess, but if you are one of the Washington régime's stooges then you may want to get yourself a second passport before the prices go up and get out ahead of time.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Divide, play off and rule
“Divide and rule” – says the old Roman rule. And Rome acted on it as it conquered and held its power over peoples. The current, Anglo-Saxon technology of domination is based on the same rule. Our “partners” borrowed from the Romans not only their legal system and cultural values, but also the principles of geopolitical struggle.
These principles are being applied to this day, therefore understanding of the methods of our opponents can helps analyze the current situation.
The Romans liked short, precise expressions. “I came, I saw, I conquered” – that aphorism of the great Caesar is an essence of his political thought. Short and elegant. However, for greater clarity, the rule requires one more element.
“Divide, play off and rule”
Now the idea has taken its final form.
We find many examples of its application in history. Little is known about the conquest of India by the British, where they constantly incited one Raja on another, as a result of crushing both of them afterwards.
Better known is the history of the conquest of North America and the destruction of Indians by the Anglo-Saxons. They used to enter alliances with one tribe against another. The winner tribe could receive a gift of blankets deliberately infected with smallpox.
Better known is the history of the conquest of North America and the destruction of Indians by the Anglo-Saxons. They used to enter alliances with one tribe against another. The winner tribe could receive a gift of blankets deliberately infected with smallpox.
But these examples are distant from our country. Therefore, let us recall some facts from our own history.
Russian Empire was huge and strong, and therefore considered very dangerous by its geopolitical competitors.
Finland became part of Russia in several stages. The first was Nystadt Peace with Sweden in 1721, when Estonia, part of Finland and Latvia were actually bought from Sweden for a few million golden thaler. Later, another part of Finland joined Russia under Elizabeth I, and the remaining part was incorporated into the Russian Empire under Alexander I. Characteristically, these were no land grabs or occupation. The lands were obtained as a result of agreements with Sweden, the legitimacy of which no one denies.
Thus, Finland became part of the Russian Empire according to the international law.
It had its own parliament even before the remaining Russia had it, its own currency, and its own separate police and customs. When traveling from St. Petersburg to Finland, you had to undergo a pass and customs control on the Finnish border, while still remaining within the Russian Empire. This special status of Finland was used by Russian revolutionaries who could quickly hide in Finland following their terrorist attacks, and even the imperial power could not do anything about.
It had its own parliament even before the remaining Russia had it, its own currency, and its own separate police and customs. When traveling from St. Petersburg to Finland, you had to undergo a pass and customs control on the Finnish border, while still remaining within the Russian Empire. This special status of Finland was used by Russian revolutionaries who could quickly hide in Finland following their terrorist attacks, and even the imperial power could not do anything about.
There has never been any rebellion against the “bloody tsarist regime” in Finland because the Finns were quite happy with their situation. They had never had a state and they did not seem particularly interested in having one.
But as a result of the activities of traitors in February 1917, who had support from the Entente, Russia began to fall apart. In the next stage, in October, Lenin recognized the secession of Finland.
What happened? There had never been a Finnish-Russian conflict. Just as there was no Russian-Russian or Finnish-Finnish problem for several centuries. As soon as the state collapsed and was divided, civil war began immediately. In Russia, Russians killed Russians, and next door, in the “independent” Finland, Finns started killing Finns.
The first phase – the division – was thus accomplished.
Next came the second stage, the playing off. In Russia the Civil War was won by the Reds, in Finland – by the Whites: A good starting point for a conflict which, I repeat, never existed before. The Entente started arming Finland, which had never had any army before, simply because there had been no independent Finland. Its territory was used by the British during the Civil War in Russia to attack Kronstadt and the Russian Navy. The first bomb attacks on St. Petersburg are on the conscience of the British, and not the German pilots.
The result: mistrust and hatred. Split. Where there never before had been pretensions or claims, now they abounded.
In 1939, the Russian-Finnish War started, and then it was repeated in World War II. During the time of the Russian Empire, Russian and the Finns could not fight each other as they had no reasons for conflict.
Before us is the Anglo-Saxon method:
1. First, divide one country apart.
2. Then create a conflict between the parts by supporting one of them (the smaller and weaker) against the other.
3. Play off two parts of the same country in a civil war, weakening both, and the whole country will submit to their will.
2. Then create a conflict between the parts by supporting one of them (the smaller and weaker) against the other.
3. Play off two parts of the same country in a civil war, weakening both, and the whole country will submit to their will.
Now, with the understanding of this technique, let’s have a look at the situation in Ukraine.
1. In 1991, and even before, the West supported all those who wanted the breakdown of the Soviet Union.
2. By propaganda, falsification of history, and bringing their puppet politicians to power, they provoked the creation of a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. A conflict which had not existed in history, as on both sides of it is a single nation and a single country. Sure, there had been clashes in medieval times, just as between all European countries, and the latter “somehow” do not interfere with the creation of the European Union. In Ukraine, long forgotten, ancient pretentions were recalled and promoted in the media, creating an illusion of “eternal” enmity with Russia.
3. At a moment appropriate for the West, an armed conflict in the Donbass began, in order to play off Russia against Ukraine in the war.
1. In 1991, and even before, the West supported all those who wanted the breakdown of the Soviet Union.
2. By propaganda, falsification of history, and bringing their puppet politicians to power, they provoked the creation of a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. A conflict which had not existed in history, as on both sides of it is a single nation and a single country. Sure, there had been clashes in medieval times, just as between all European countries, and the latter “somehow” do not interfere with the creation of the European Union. In Ukraine, long forgotten, ancient pretentions were recalled and promoted in the media, creating an illusion of “eternal” enmity with Russia.
3. At a moment appropriate for the West, an armed conflict in the Donbass began, in order to play off Russia against Ukraine in the war.
The method of division and playing off is universal, and its application does not stop for a minute. That the Ukraine-Russian war did not happen exactly according to the plan? No problem. We will try to break up Russia otherwise:
1. Stop feeding the Caucasus!
2. No transfer of taxes and excise duties from Siberia to Moscow! Siberia is a property of the whole world!
3. Freedom of Ingria and Karelia!
4. Ural could live like France. Especially if they print their own money – franks.
5. St. Petersburg should become a free city.
(Contemporary slogans of pro-Western Liberal opposition and separatists in Russia – transl.)
2. No transfer of taxes and excise duties from Siberia to Moscow! Siberia is a property of the whole world!
3. Freedom of Ingria and Karelia!
4. Ural could live like France. Especially if they print their own money – franks.
5. St. Petersburg should become a free city.
(Contemporary slogans of pro-Western Liberal opposition and separatists in Russia – transl.)
And so on. It does not matter at all what to separate from what – the Caucasus from Moscow or Moscow from the Caucasus. The main thing is to start implementing the “Roman rule”.
Here’s what I want to note here:
1. The place of those who advocate the division of Russia is in jail. Why they are on the loose, is a great mystery.
1. The place of those who advocate the division of Russia is in jail. Why they are on the loose, is a great mystery.
2. Those who want to separate Siberia and Karelia from Russia are very few – no more than 10-15 people. One show trial and imprisonment of two or three most violent would make others either cease their activities (the sincerely misguided) or go to London and continue from there (the paid scum).
3. All these “regionalists” should be treated very seriously as they are the first part of the Anglo-Saxon method. The final stage of it is always war, in places where it is impossible to even imagine today. Who could imagine a war in Donbass a couple of years ago?
But that is not all.
You don’t win a war by just defending yourself. Attack is necessary.
Therefore, apart from jailing those who want to separate Siberia, the Caucasus, or St. Petersburg from Russia, we must advocate for the right of nations to self-determination:
Therefore, apart from jailing those who want to separate Siberia, the Caucasus, or St. Petersburg from Russia, we must advocate for the right of nations to self-determination:
We are for a free Quebec (following Charles de Gaulle); we are for a free California.
That Northern Ireland should be reunited with Ireland is so obvious, that there is no real cause for discussion in this respect.
That Northern Ireland should be reunited with Ireland is so obvious, that there is no real cause for discussion in this respect.
* * *
Originally published on June 23, 2015 at Nikolai Starikov’s Blog
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Friday, March 25, 2016
3:55 / 15:58
Published on Jan 24, 2016
Thousand of Western advisors operate within the Russian economic and political structures since their arrival in 1992, immediately after the defeat of the Soviet Union.
NOD believes that their activities benefit foreign powers at the expense of the Russian people and is calling for their removal, as explained here by Information Coordinator, Roman Zuikov.
English subtitles. Transcript in the comments.
Unsubtitled originals:
* Main interview by NOD:
* Final clip from Ri 24 (Rossiya info):
Related links:
Moscow court deemed that PwC aided Yukos in perpetrating tax evasion (2007).
PwC loses appeal in Yukos affair (2008).
Résumé of Leonid Schmeidman, Ministry of Finance, formerly of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Yegor Gaidar, Prime Minister in 1992, introduced the foreign advisors.
(machine translation):
(Russian original):
NOD believes that their activities benefit foreign powers at the expense of the Russian people and is calling for their removal, as explained here by Information Coordinator, Roman Zuikov.
English subtitles. Transcript in the comments.
Unsubtitled originals:
* Main interview by NOD:
* Final clip from Ri 24 (Rossiya info):
Related links:
Moscow court deemed that PwC aided Yukos in perpetrating tax evasion (2007).
PwC loses appeal in Yukos affair (2008).
Résumé of Leonid Schmeidman, Ministry of Finance, formerly of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Yegor Gaidar, Prime Minister in 1992, introduced the foreign advisors.
(machine translation):
(Russian original):
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