By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009-2010
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)
GLOBAL CONQUEST IS JEWRY’S ULTIMATE GOAL. In order to achieve this, international Jewry has taken control of banking, the press, the media, political institutions, academics, and the Military/Industrial complex.
Jewry’s scheme for world domination has been carefully laid out in its manifesto, The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion. According to the renown scholar, Dr Henry Makow, “The Protocols is the New World Order’s blueprint - the Illuminati’s master plan.”

“Jewry’s goal,” Dr Makow continues, “is to overthrow Western Civilization through the destruction of its four pillars: I. Family II. Nation/Race III. Religion IV. Democracy. Dr Makow has also proven that The Protocols is a genuine document and not a forgery. View Entire Story Here & Here.
Much of The Protocol’s agenda of destruction is taking place right before our very eyes: Manipulation of the economy through banking monopolies; Manipulation of the educational system through falsifications of historical events; Manipulation of the general culture through undermining Christian morality; Manipulation of political systems through bribery and funding of selected political candidates; & Manipulation of social venues through crisis-events leading to suspension of civil liberties.

THE ISRAELI MASSACRE OF GAZA CIVILIANS is setting the stage for a global “militaristic” assault by worldwide Jewry on what is left of historic Christian civilization. Because of the contrived agenda known as the ‘war on terror,’ the rogue state of Israel is utilizing its military prowess by collaborating with the West’s military establishment.
Many joint ventures between Israel and international defense contractors are part of Israel’s plan to fully ‘globalize’ their Zionist agenda.
And Israel’s recent pact with NATO to “share intelligence and engage in joint military exercises,” solidifies Jewry’s scheme to dominate, by force of arms, the Western world.

“Anti Terror Training” is yet another venue for Jewry’s scheme for world domination. In September of 2008, The Anti Defamation League (ADL) sponsored such “training” by sending various local US police officers (all expenses paid for!) to Israel to learn from Israeli SWAT teams.
And recently, the collaboration between Israel and US defense contractor, CACI International, brought to light their mutual implication in the torture of Iraqi citizens at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison.
Is Now In Full Bloom
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