Sunday, July 23, 2017

Rob Kirby ESF

The US Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund: Financial Buggery
vBack in 1934 the Exchange Stabilization Fund [ESF] was created as a provision of the Gold Reserve Act. This fund was seeded with billions of dollars arising from the “windfall” of confiscated gold from American citizens at 20 bucks and ounce and the subsequent revaluing of confiscated gold [six months later] up to 35 bucks per ounce. The fund was set up as part ofthe executive branch of government but not subject to legislative oversight.

The fund’s mandate is to protect/insure the perpetuation or primacy of the
 US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Wikipedia claims that the ESF has assets worth $ US 105 billion – because that’s what the  overnment claims. The US government also tells us inflation is under 2 % and claims to possess 8,000 + metric tonnes of gold too – but anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size would likely regard these claims as “dubious” at best. The reality is that the ESF engages in everything from regime change to drug running and a host of other nefarious activities and its true net worth is composed of unthinkable amounts of “dark money” – likelynumbering in the TRILLIONS – and its existence is a closely guarded state secret. I refer to this “dark hole” in our capital markets as financial crack house where unbelievable [and to most, unthinkable] financial abuses occur on regular basis – all under the guise of national security with the perpetrators enjoying “immunity” while comfortably wrapped in the stars and stripes. In
reality, the ESF’s broad mandate gives it the ability to "legally"
 intervene in and/or rig any market.

If anyone wants to gain a fuller understanding of what the ESF does, I
 recommend they visit a web site and look for a title in the right hand margin titled, “something I have been afraid to blog about”. At this link you will find a 5 part you tube tutorial on the ESFproduced by Eric deCarbonnel. Eric’s understanding of the ESF stems from the fact that one of his forbearers was Frank Vanderlip – one of the original framers of the secretive Federal Reserve Act penned at Jekyll Island back in 1910. Eric’s expose on the ESF is essential listening.

In the early days, the amount of influence the ESF could wield in
 international capital markets was somewhat restrained by the “gold convertibility clause” in the Bretton Woods Agreement – which meant that foreigners could redeem $ US dollars at the US Treasury at a rate of $US35.00 per ounce of fine gold.

Convertibility of gold into US dollars at the US Treasury ended in August
 1971, when President Nixon “closed the gold window” officially rescinding the $ US dollar’s linkage to gold. This happened because foreigners [led by the French] were rapidly draining the US Treasury of gold because America was printing too much money to finance expansive/intrusive US foreign [military] policy. Then in 1972, the first North American gold futures exchange was opened in Winnipeg, Canada and finally in 1974, Americans were once again allowed to legally own gold.

I lay this history out so people can hopefully gain an understanding of how
 absolute power absolutely corrupts the people and institutions it is granted to. Before I get back to the ESF, I would like to cite a couple of other examples of absolute power run amok:

In 1933 the German Reichstag implemented the Enabling Act of 1933.
 This gave Adolph Hitler the right to implement laws is will without legislative oversight – effectively making Hitler a dictator. What  nsued was one of humanity’s worst episodes and ended with Hitler’s captured abettors facing war crimes in Nuremburg. Their defenses all followed the line that they were following orders and were not disobeying any laws. They tried to wrap their unthinkable acts in the flag. The international judiciary assembled in Nuremburg did not see things that way and many of the perpetrators were hung.

In the present day, we are witnessing
 senior players in the Vatican now being charged with buggery and sexual exploitation of children. The Vatican has enjoyed their own form of being “untouchable” for decades while the mainstream press stonewalled any attempts of victims to expose what has been alleged by so many for so long. The Vatican is but another institution which has enjoyed absolute power over its own domain for too long. The meme of absolute power absolutely corrupting is clearly on display once again.

Getting back to the ESF and what occurred in the silver market last
 Thursday evening [July 6] at 7:15 pm ET when Asian markets were just about to open for daily trade…………………[more.....signup] [open pdf....members]
What the Heck is Really Going On?
In 1934, the United States created an adjunct of the US Treasury known as the ESF or Exchange Stabilization Fund. The ESF was funded by the [then] multi-billion dollar windfall profit realized when physical gold was seized by the 1934 Confiscation Act and subsequently re-valued upward…[more.....signup] [open pdf....members]
Cryptos Attracting Hot Money
It was two weeks ago that I did an interview with Greg Hunter at USA Watchdog. We discussed a host of topics but at that time, there were 4 Crypto Currencies with market capitalizations of 1 billion or more...
[more.....signup] [members section]
A new interview with Rob Kirby and Catherine Austin Fitts on interest rate swaps and a transcript for the same are now both posted for subscribers.
[more.....signup] [members section]
A Brief Research Note
First off, I want to draw everyone’s attention to a brilliant video presentation prepared by John Titus – creator and former proprietor of the Prudent Bear Funds in the U.S.A. John hasproduced a brilliant mini-documentary about the supranational banking cabal which has its “squid like” appendages wrapped around the collective throats of humanity.[more.....signup] [open pdf....members]
The Education of Donald J. Trump[signup] [open pdf....members]
Transcript of Fitts-Kirby interview on ESF [subscribers only]
Understanding Derivatives

What are they?

From Investopedia: “A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. The most common underlying assets include stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates and market indexes.”

According to the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency [OCC], at Q3/2016 Interest rate derivatives represented 74.9 % of ALL OUTSTANDING DERIVATIVES.
[more.....signup] [open pdf....members]
Rediscovering Community Wizard
We all live in and with a debt based system, so in the spirit of Keynesianism – perhaps we might want to try “borrowing” something of very great value from the past.Catherine Austin Fitts is former asst. sec. Federal Housing Administration [FHA] at HUD in the Bush I Administration.  It was during her time in government that Fitts realized government finances needed to be re-engineered from the ground up – one locality at a time.  When she left her post in government, she formed Hamilton Securities, which became a contractor to FHA....[open pdf]
Watching Fiat Fail: While Cental Bankers Crap Their Pants
Charts like the one below are true works of art if you are an individual who happened to have bought anywhere close to the bottom. If you are a central banker charged with stewardship the world’s reserve currency and the chart below is believed to be a “viable alternative” to your fraudulently created fiat money – the chart below is like a report card with failing grades across the board.[more.....signup] [open pdf....members]

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