Two Brilliant Films: ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ & ‘Princes Of The Yen’

(Left/Above: Richard Werner, whose thinking is behind ‘Princes of the Yen’.)
Two films expose in no uncertain terms the core issue of our time: how the financial system has come to dominate the globe by centralizing wealth and power through Usury, the manipulation of the volume of money, and centralized control of credit allocation.
This is the core of the conspiracy industry: that history is not so much a matter of competing nation states, but that a shadowy elite rules the world from behind the scenes, and that the core of their power is through control of money.
There has been, and there will continue to be, an endless debate about who is ultimately behind it all. Some clarity is slowly emerging there too, not in the least because of the light that has been shed on the long term history of the human species, including the advanced old civilizations that once dominated the planet. And of course the profound spiritual implications of these matters.
But surely by now it should be clear that “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
We are indeed slaves and the Matrix owns us, lock, stock and barrel.
Understanding how it all came about is impossible without a basic grasp of how their control of money governs our lives.
And these two films, ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ and ‘Princes of the Yen, Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy’ paint a crystal clear picture of the main issues.
The first focusses on the effects of Usury, the second on how Central Banks create booms and busts through the manipulation of volume. It also explains in simple and direct terms what power there is in credit allocation.
These are the three main issues with money as we have identified them and both films strongly reinforce the message. They certainly widened my horizons.
Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire
This film was created by Damon Vrabel. Here is an interesting article by him on Usury. His basic take is very sound, focussing on its exponential nature:
“The exponential math not only creates exponential debt growth, but also exponentially increasing:
- Scale – government and businesses keep getting bigger; we get smaller and local communities lose their meaning
- Velocity – the hamster wheel keeps spinning faster; human life suffers
- Consumption – we buy more and more things that break more quickly
- Production – we make more and more things that break more quickly
- Inflation – the dollar buys less and less; we can’t seem to make progress
None of these things have to happen in an economic system. They only happen in ours because of debt-based money, usury, that greatly benefits the top of the pyramid while everyone else suffers to a certain degree depending on their level in the pyramid.
So this system is guaranteed to fail due to not only the impossible math, but also the fundamental immorality. Taken together those five issues paint a horrible picture.”
The film is basically a presentation he put together. It’s well done, with clear cut visuals that center around the pyramid of power, similar to this one:
It greatly helps to keep this picture in mind always. It’s simply the nature of power and it’s behind all their schemes, from Libertarianism to Marxism.
Vrabel points at the two tier society that is automatic with Usury. He discusses many interesting dynamics of the monetary system, pointing at the different implications for those in their respective layers of the pyramid. For instance how cost for capital rises when you go lower into the pyramid.
Another great feature is his critique of ‘modern economics’. He makes a solid case, showing once more how ridiculous it all really is. It’s very important. We must rid ourselves of the heinous nonsense that they pay their academics to produce. It’s all rubbish, existing only to explain why we must be in bondage.
Princes of the Yen, Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy
The film begins by saying: ‘This is a film about the power of Central Banks. Central Banks have the power to create economic, political and social change. This is how they do it’.
And that’s exactly what the film shows. It’s based on a book by Professor Richard Werner, who is well known for his work on credit creation and management of the volume of money. He worked in Japan for years and knows the monetary situation there from the inside.
The film discusses Japan’s economic development since the war. First its rise to world prominence, then the despicable, purposefully engineered boom of the late eighties, and the even much worse and equally well planned 1989 and beyond bust.
Its analysis is very clear cut: the post war rise was a result of strongly centralized financial management by BoJ, which basically ordered the banks to lend so and so much to this and that sector in the economy. Japan was actually operating a war economy in those years, but directed at production and consumption, instead of destruction.
BoJ’s technocrats ruled like emperors, completely controlling the economy by exact management of who would be financed and who not. They created the second biggest economy in the world from scratch in only a few decades.
Undoubtedly this was part of the Money Power’s larger designs. However, in the film the focus is completely on solid information that can be well gleaned from what is visible in the public domain.
Werner shows how BoJ’s officials then changed tack and wanted to force on Japan a change to a ‘free market’ and consumerist economy with associated growing gap between the rich and the rest. It wanted to break the classical control structure of Cartels and Government (especially the Ministry of Finance) power. They called this ‘the need for structural reform’ in typical banker fashion.
To foist this on an unwitting public, they first created a huge boom with insane credit expansion, ordering the banks to expand credit at 15% per year. This led to maniacal real estate speculation, where at its peak the small island of Japan was worth four times more than the entire United States. Then the bubble was popped suddenly and prices contracted up to 90%.
Japan never recovered, mainly because BoJ has sabotaged every attempt that the Government made to reflate the economy. This was simply done by taking out of circulation whatever extra money was pumped into the economy by the State.
The film makes abundantly clear, in neutral and understandable terms, that the whole boom and bust thing was and is purely driven by inflating and deflating the money supply. The case is undefeatable and it’s so vital to understand. The volume of money is what drives booms and busts. Nothing else. It’s all pure banker manipulation.
The volume of money must be managed, it’s unavoidable, the idea of a ‘free market’ doing it is irrelevant. The only question is how the volume is going to be managed: by megalomaniac fools running amuck, unseen by a brainwashed public, or in the service of the public with sufficient people understanding what is going on. It’s not brain surgery, all that’s needed is some basic education concerning the facts.
The film then continues to explore the implications of such blatant banker control and manipulation in the cases of the Asian Crisis in the late nineties and the current Euro Crisis. There too, the situation could well be (or have been) resolved by sound policy, but it was and is simply sabotaged because nobody understands monetary policy and bankers have their own plans.
Werner focuses on Central Banks and paints the banks themselves as the flock following the piper. But of course the Banking System is One and the major commercial banks are well on board with these machinations. But let this minor issue not distract from the film’s achievements. This is a hard hitting exposure.
Watched together, these films show how the monetary system completely controls the economy and by extension everything else too.
Watched together, these films show how the monetary system completely controls the economy and by extension everything else too.
‘Financial Empire’ focuses on Usury, ‘Princes of the Yen’ on the volume of money, and credit creation and allocation. Together, they paint a comprehensive picture of what is really going on on a monetary and economic level and its implications for the human condition.
Devising and implementing strategies to stop this Behemoth is actually what should be keeping everybody awake at night. A reasonable deal for everyone is well within our reach. Both films help us keeping our eye on the ball.
Also highly recommended for the uninitiated, as they are both very accessible.
Ideal for the quiet days between Christmas and the New Year.
How Usury Encloses The Commons
Banking Is Institutionalized Murder!Capitalism Is Jewish Usury
Rationalizing Usury: the Time Value Hoax
Derivatives, Or: How The Money Power Created The Greatest Depression
The Goal of Monetary ReformUnderstand that the Banking System is OneThe Silly Pseudo Science that is ‘Modern Economics’
How Usury Encloses The Commons
Banking Is Institutionalized Murder!Capitalism Is Jewish Usury
Rationalizing Usury: the Time Value Hoax
Derivatives, Or: How The Money Power Created The Greatest Depression
The Goal of Monetary ReformUnderstand that the Banking System is OneThe Silly Pseudo Science that is ‘Modern Economics’
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- Pyramid of Power: Critique of Modern Economics | OUR GREATER DESTINY
- Two Brilliant Films: ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ & ‘Princes Of The Yen’ | Streets of Love - unconventional
- Migchels – The Matrix is Made of Money | Forbidden News
- Two Brilliant Films: ‘Renaissance 2.0 – Financial Empire’ & ‘Princes Of The Yen’ | From the Trenches World Report
Let B = some value > 0
Let B = some value > 0
You have “freedom” to do the right thing. And you have the “freedom” to chose your wife/husband, occupation, job etc.
You don’t have freedom to advocate abortion (murder), falsify God’s teachings, theft (communists) etc
The other is Equality, there is nowhere to be found on real world because it doesn’t exist, that is why Jesus (or better saying God) trough his teaching makes the strong, the rich and the wise to work for the weak, the poor and the simple men.
They use this to make Christians guilty and divide them, because Christians who don’t trust the hierarchy (when they are valid). They do the same in other heritages too.
They accuse Christians of a lie or an isolated case and try to blame in all. Christians should be ashamed of not following Christ nothing else, go to confession, restitution and penance. Is it hard to do just that?
And the whole story of Mohamed is telling, his first wife was Jewish, almost for sure, it says that she was from a monotheistic etc, etc.
But I guess it back-fired at some point too. But make no mistake it’s the same Babylonians, the synagogue of Satan is always behind, it’s the “invisible” hand.
After that fade away, they fund the North of European tribalists and the principle is the same.
The church declared masonic participants or helpers excommunicated since the XVIII century, so there is no one single Catholic in charge of this disaster of modern world.
Karl Marx or a communist ?
Adam Smith or the invisible hand?
Luther (another demonic prick, in him own writings) or the protestants ?
21 For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world, by wisdom, knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of our preaching, to save them that believe.
22 For both the Jews require signs, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews indeed a stumblingblock, and unto the Gentiles foolishness:
24 But unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
26 For see your vocation, brethren, that there are not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble:
27 But the foolish things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the wise; and the weak things of the world hath God chosen, that he may confound the strong.
28 And the base things of the world, and the things that are contemptible, hath God chosen, and things that are not, that he might bring to nought things that are:
29 That no flesh should glory in his sight.
30 But of him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and justice, and sanctification, and redemption:
31 That, as it is written: He that glorieth, may glory in the Lord.”
Once saved always saved is protestantism that infected the Novus Ordo sect, and it came directly from the Jewish cabal. Any coincidence with “God’s Chosen” people is not mere impression.
And most of the so called traditionalists have the opposite problem. They cut it off any spirit and just take Natural aspect of the faith.
With all respect I have for Japaneses and Chinese, I appreciate their art and some natural aspects of that people, but I wouldn’t like to live in that kind of society.
If they convert man, that would be something powerful.
As the Japanese Catholics are, really beautiful story they have.
Well they were not inspired by the Holy-Spirit. And Peter was. Also you need space for God’s providence, and that is characteristic aspect of the Holy Spirit.
They are one God in all respects, that is what the trinity means.
14 But they said: Some John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15 Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am?
16 Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.
18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
19 And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
20 Then he commanded his disciples, that they should tell no one that he was Jesus the Christ.”
God is infinite, infinite divided by 2 (3 really) is infinite.
So his human side is the new Adam, a perfect man, who always no matter what obeys God.
26 For see your vocation, brethren, that there are not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble:”
I appreciate you work man, hope you don’t get offended, I’m doing what Jesus told me =P !
It’s full of sinners and rats but it’s a good ship made of Noah’s Ark Wood, you can’t ask anything else in this vain world other then a great ride fighting against the darkness !
~ Joseph Ratzinger
The 16’th and 17’th were never ratified, therefore they are unconstitutional and can be challenged. States and the people, once they understand, should want to recover their constitutional powers.
I am following you site for some time and appreciate your work. May I suggest you to write a book, it seems there are enough material on the site already. The book can have its advantages and its public.
I always look forward to Anthony Migchels posts. If you’re jot following him, maybe it’s time that you did!