(continued from first page)
10. The benevolent banker
“How can we pay you $1080 when there is only $1000 on the entire island?”
“That's the interest, my friends. Has not your rate of production increased?”
“Sure, but the money hasn't. And it's money you're asking for, not our products. You are the only one who can make money. You've made only $1000, and yet you ask $1080. That's an impossibility!”
“Now listen, fellows. Bankers, for the greater good of the community, always adapt themselves to the conditions of the times. I'm going to require only the interest. Only $80. You will go on holding the capital.”
“Bless you, Mr. Oliver! Are you going to cancel the $200 each of us owes you?”
“Oh no! I'm sorry, but a banker never cancels a debt. You still owe me all the money you borrowed. But you'll pay me, each year, only the interest. If you meet the interest payments faithfully each year, I won't push you for the capital. Maybe some won't be able to repay even the interest because of the money changing hands among you. Well, organize yourselves like a nation. Set up a system of money contributions, what we call taxes. Those who have more money will be taxed more; the poor will pay less. See to it that you bring me, in one lump sum, the total of the amount of interest, and I'll be satisfied. And your little nation will thrive.”
So our boys left, somewhat pacified, but still dubious.
11. Oliver exults
“Business is good. These boys are good workers, but stupid. Their ignorance and naivety is my strength. They ask for money, and I give them the chains of bondage. They give me flowers, and I pick their pockets.
“True enough, they could mutiny and throw me into the sea. But pshaw! I have their signatures. They're honest. They'll honor their pledges. Honest, hardworking people were put into this world to serve the Financiers.
“Oh great Mammon! I feel your banking genius coursing through my entire being! Oh, illustrious master! How right you were when you said: `Give me control of a nation's money, and I won't mind who makes its laws.' I am the master of Salvation Island because I control its money.
“My soul is drunk with enthusiasm and ambition. I feel I could rule the universe. What I, Oliver, have done here, I can do throughout the entire world. Oh! If only I could get off this island! I know how I could govern the world without wearing a crown.
“My supreme delight would be to instill my philosophy in the minds of those who lead society: bankers, industrialists, politicians, reformers, teachers, journalists — all would be my servants. The masses are content to live in slavery when the elite from among them are constituted to be their overseers.”
12. The cost of living unbearable
Those who paid the most in taxes complained against those who paid less. They raised the prices of their goods to compensate for this loss. The unfortunate poor who paid no taxes lamented the high cost of living, and bought less.
If one took a salaried job with another, he was continually demanding increases in salary in order to meet the mounting cost of living.
Morale was low. The joy went out of living. No one took an interest in his work. Why should he? Produce sold poorly. When they would make a sale, they had to pay taxes to Oliver. They went without things. It was a real crisis. And they accused one another of wanting in charity, and of being the cause of the high cost of living.
One day, Harry, sitting in his orchard, pondered over the situation. He finally arrived at the conclusion that this “progress”, born of a refugee's monetary system, had spoiled everything on the island. Unquestionably, all five had their faults, but Oliver's system seemed to have been specifically designed to bring out the worst in human nature.
Harry decided to demonstrate this to his friends and to unite them for action. He started with Jim, who was not hard to convince. “I'm no genius,” he said, “but for a long time now there's been a bad smell about this banker's system.”
One by one they came to the same conclusion, and they ended up by deciding to have another conference with Oliver.
13. Enslaved by Oliver
“Money's scarce on the island, fellow, because you take it away from us! We pay you and pay you, and still we owe you as much as at the beginning. We work our heads off! We've the finest land possible, and yet we're worse off than before the day of your arrival. Debts! Debts! Up to our necks in debts!”
“Oh! Now boys, be reasonable! Your affairs are booming, and it's thanks to me. A good banking system is a country's best asset. But if it is to work beneficially, you must have faith in the banker. Come to me as you would to a father... Is it more money that you want? Very well. My barrel of gold is good for many thousands of dollars more. See, I'm going to mortgage your latest acquisitions, and lend you another thousand dollars right now.”
“So! Now our debt goes up to $2000! We are going to have twice as much interest to pay for the rest of our lives!”
“Well, yes — but I'll lend you more whenever the value of your property increases. And you'll never pay anything but the interest. You'll lump all your debts into one — what we call a consolidated debt. And you can add to the debt, year after year.”
“And raise the taxes, year after year?”
“Obviously. But your revenues also increase every year.”
“So then, the more the country develops each year because of our labor, the more the public debt increases!”
“Why, of course! Just as in your country – or in any other part of the civilized world for that matter. The degree of a country's civilization is always gauged by the size of its debt to the bankers.”
14. The wolf devours the lambs
“Gentlemen, all sound money is based on gold, and it comes from the banks in the form of debts. The national debt is a good thing. It keeps men from becoming too satisfied. It subjugates governments to the supreme and ultimate wisdom, that which is incarnate in bankers. As a banker, I am the torch of civilization here on your little island. I will dictate your politics and regulate your standard of living.”
“Mr. Oliver, we're simply uneducated folks, but we don't want that kind of civilization here. We'll not borrow another cent off of you. Sound money or not, we don't want any further transactions with you.”
“Gentlemen, I deeply regret this very ill-advised decision of yours. But if you break with me, remember, I have your signatures. Repay me everything at once — capital and interest.”
“But that's impossible, sir. Even if we give you all the money on the island, we still won't be square with you.”
“I can't help that. Did you or did you not sign? Yes? Very well.
“By virtue of the sanctity of contracts, I hereby seize your mortgaged property which was what you agreed to at the time you were so happy to have my help. If you don't want to serve willingly the supreme authority of money, then you'll obey by force. You'll continue to exploit the island, but in my interests and under my conditions. Now, get out! You'll get your orders from me tomorrow.”
15. Control of the press
Oliver had observed that of the five islanders, two were conservatives and three were liberals. That much had evolved from their evening conversations, especially after they had fallen into slavery. And between the conservatives and those who were liberals, there was a constant friction.
On occasions, Harry, the most neutral of the five, considering that all had the same needs and aspirations, had suggested the union of the people to put pressure on the authorities. Such a union, Oliver could not tolerate; it would mean the end of his rule. No dictator, financial or otherwise, could stand before a people united and educated.
Consequently, Oliver set himself to foment, as much as possible, political strife between them.
The refugee put his press to work, turning out two weekly newspapers, “The Sun”, for the Liberals, and “The Star”, for the Conservatives.
The general tenor of “The Sun” was: “If you are no longer master, it is because of those traitorous Conservatives who have sold out to big business.”
That of “The Star”: “The ruinous state of business and the national debt can be traced directly to the political responsibility of those unmentionable Liberals.”
16. A priceless bit of floatsam
He opened the trunk. Among the articles within, a sort of album caught his eye: “The First Year of Social Credit”. Between the covers he found the first of a Social Credit publication.
Curious, Tom sat down and began to read the volume. His interest grew; his face lit up.
“Well, just look at this!” he cried out loud. “This is something we should have known a long time ago.”
“Money gets its value, not from gold, but from the products which that money buys.
“Simply put, money should be a sort of accountancy, credits passing from one account to another according to purchases and sales. The sum total of money will depend upon the sum total of production.
“Each time production increases, there is a corresponding increase in the amount of money. Never at any time should interest be paid on new money. Progress is marked, not by an increase in the public debt, but by the issuance of an equal dividend to each individual... Prices are adjusted to the general purchasing power by a coefficient of prices. Social Credit...”
But Tom could no longer contain himself. He got up and set off at a run, the book in his hands, to share this glorious discovery with his four comrades.
17. Money — elementary accounting
“This,” he said, “is what we can do without waiting for a banker and his keg of gold, nor without underwriting a debt.
“I open an account in the name of each one of you. In the right hand column are the credits which increase your account; to the left are the debits which subtract from your account.
“Each wants $200 to begin with. Very well. We write $200 to the credit of each. Each immediately has $200.
“Frank buys some goods from Paul for $10. I deduct $10 from Frank, leaving him $190. I add $10 to Paul, and he now has $210.
“Jim buys from Paul to the amount of $8. I deduct from Jim $8, leaving him $192. Paul now has $218.
“Paul buys wood from Frank for $15. I deduct $15 from Paul, leaving $203. I add $15 to Frank's account, and it goes back to $205.
“And so we continue; from one account to another, in the same fashion that paper banknotes go from one man's pocket to another's.
“If someone needs money to expand production, we issue him the necessary amount of new credit. Once he has sold his products, he repays the sum to the credit fund. The same with public works; paid for by new credits.
“Likewise, each one's account is periodically increased, but without taking credits from anyone, in order that all may benefit from the progress society makes. That's the national dividend. In this fashion, money becomes an instrument of service.”
18. The banker's despair
“Dear sir! Without the slightest necessity you have plunged us into debt and exploited us. We don't need you anymore to run our money system. From now on, we'll have all the money we need without gold, debts, nor thieves. We are establishing, at once, the system of Social Credit on the island. The national dividend is going to replace the national debt.
“If you insist on being repaid, we can repay you all the money you gave us. But not a cent more. You cannot lay claim to that which you have not made.”
Oliver was in despair. His empire was crumbling. His dreams shattered. What could he do? Arguments would be futile. The five were now Social Crediters: money and credit were now not more mysterious to them than they were to Oliver.
“Oh!” said Oliver. “These men have been won to Social Credit! Their doctrine will spread far more quickly than mine. Should I beg forgiveness? Become one of them? I, a financier and a banker? Never! Rather, I shall try and put as much distance between them and me as I can!”
19. The fraud unmasked
An inventory was taken; the boat, the oars, the little press, and the famous barrel of gold.
Oliver had to reveal where he had hidden the gold. Our boys hoisted it from the hole with considerably less respect than the day they had unloaded it from the boat. Social Credit had taught them to despise gold.
The prospector, who was helping to lift the barrel, found it surprisingly light for gold. If the barrel was full, he told the others, there was something in it besides gold.
The impetuous Frank didn't waste a moment; a blow of the axe, and the contents of the barrel was exposed.
Gold? Not so much as a grain of it! Just rocks — plain, worthless rocks! Our men couldn't get over the shock.
“Don't tell us that he could bamboozle us to this extent!”
“Were we such muttonheads as to go into raptures over the mere mention of gold?”
“Did we mortgage all of our possessions for a few pieces of paper based on a few pounds of rocks? It's a robbery, compounded with lies!”
“To think that we sulked and almost hated one another all because of such a fraud! That devil!”
Furious, Frank raised his axe. In great haste, the banker has already taken flight towards the forest.
20. Farewell to Salvation Island
Shortly after, a ship, crusing off the normal navigation route, noticed signs of life on this uncharted island, and cast anchor a short distance offshore.
The men learned that the ship was en route to America. So they decided to take with them what they could carry, and return to the United States.
Above all, they made sure to take back with them the album, “The First Year of Social Credit”, which had proven to be their salvation from the hands of the financier, Oliver, and which had illumined their minds with an inextinguishable light.
All five solemnly promised to get in touch with the management of this paper, once back in America, and to become devoted and zealous apostles of the Cause of Social Credit in their country.
From parable to reality
A debt-money system
The debt-money system introduced by Oliver into the Salvation Island made the little community sink into financial debt in proportion as it developed and enriched the island by its own work.
This is exactly what happens in our civilized countries, is it not?
Canada of today is certainly richer, in real wealth, than it was 50, 100 years ago, or in the pioneers' age. But compare the national debt, the sum of all public debts of Canada today with this sum 50, 100 years, three centuries ago!
Yet the Canadians themselves produced this enrichment by their labour and their know-how. Then why should they be collectively indebted for the result of their own activities?
For example, consider the schools, the municipal aqueducts, the bridges, roads and other fabrics of public character. Who build them all? Builders of the country. Who supply them with the needed materials? Manufacturers of the country. And how come they can be employed in public works ? Because there are other kinds of workers who produce food, clothes, shoes, who supply all the things and services required for the wants of the constructors and manufacturers.
Thus the whole population of Canada by its work of different kinds, produce all those developments. If we must obtain goods from abroad, we send other goods abroad in counterpart of them.
Now, what do you see? Everywhere the citizens are taxed to pay those schools, those hospitals, those bridges, roads and other public works. The Canadians, as a collectivity, are thus compelled to pay what they produce as a collectivity.
You pay much more than the double price
And this is not all. The population is made to pay more than the price of what it produced. Their own production — a real enrichment — has become for the Canadians a debt burdened with interest. When years add to years, the sum of the interests can equal or even exceed the amount of the debt imposed by the system.
It happens that the population may have to pay two, three times the cost of what its members produced.
In addition to the public debts, there are industrial debts, also loaded with interests. They compel the manufacturers and contractors to increase their prices beyond the cost of production, in order to reimburse the capital and the interests; otherwise they would become insolvent, bankrupt.
Both public and industrial debts are paid, plus interest, by the Canadian population, to the financial system. We pay taxes for the public debts, and a surplus of price for the industrial debts. Prices are swelling while the purse is flattened by taxes.
A tyrannical system
These and many other facts are indicative of a money system, a financial system which controls instead of being a servant; a system to dominate the people — as Oliver dominated the fellows of the Island before they rebelled.
And if the money masters refuse to lend, or if they make their conditions unbearable for the public bodies or for the manufacturers, what happens? It happens that the public bodies give up many projects, no matter how urgent; and the manufacturers give up development or production plans that would answer to real needs of Canadians. This is a cause of unemployment. And those who still have something, or who earn a salary, must be taxed to prevent the unemployed from starving completely.
Can you imagine a more tyrannical system, with so baneful effects on every Canadian?
A bar to distribution
And this is not all. Not only the money system indebts the producers, or paralyzes the production it refuses to finance, but it is a wretched financial tool for the distribution of the goods.
Notwithstanding the fact that stores, shops and warehouses are full, and that everything is at hand for an even greater production, the distribution of the goods already produced is stinted.
You can obtain only what you can pay. In face of an abundant production, there should be an abundance of purchasing power, of money in the wallets of the people. Such is not the fact. The price of the finished goods is always higher than the amount of money distributed as purchasing power in the course of their production. This is inherent to the accountancy of the present system of finance which has no mechanism to fill the gap.
The capacity to pay is not made to equal the capacity to produce. Finance and reality do not work at the same rate. Reality means an abundance of goods easy to produce. Finance means a lacking money hard to obtain.
To correct what is wicked
Thus the present money system is truly an oppressive one, when it should be a system of service.
This does not mean that we must do away with it, but we must correct it. The application of the financial principles known as Social Credit would make this correction magnificently. (Do not confound Social Credit with the political party which usurps that name while pursuing other ends and practising an adverse policy.)
The principles of Social Credit, when applied, would make the money system a servant instead of a master. They were discovered and enunciated by a genius, C. H. Douglas (deceased in 1952). His first writings on this subject were published in 1918.
Not a Political Party
The first idea that comes to the mind of too many people living in Canada, when they hear the words Social Credit, is the idea of a political party. But no. Social Credit is not a party, although there was a party by that name. Social Credit is no more a party than Christianity is a party, even if, in some countries you find political parties with such names as Christian Democrats, Christian Party, Christian Center, etc. A political party exists purposely to seek power, to be or strive to be the group that rules the country.
Social Credit works in the very opposite way. Social Credit will set the individual free; it will place the individual in a situation where he can himself be the ruler of his own life. Social Credit will thus distribute power to individuals not the power to boss their neighbours, but the power to order the goods they want from the potential production of their country.
Social Credit. Exact. Logical. Humane
Social Credit considers realities. It refuses to be hypnotized by the halo with which finance has been surrounded.
The economic realities are, on one hand, the production; not only the existing production, but the production immediately possible, the production capacity; and they are, on the other hand, the human needs.
Social Credit gives priority to the realities over the financial signs that are not realities, that must simply represent, and faithfully represent, the realities.
Real credit and financial credit
This is why Social Credit makes a distinction between real credit (a reality) and financial credit (a representation).
The word "credit" comes from the Latin word "credere" and bears the idea of confidence. Even in everyday language, to give credit to someone, is it not to indicate that we have confidence in him?
Social Credit calls real credit of a country what really gives confidence in that country, confidence that one can live there without too much difficulty. The real credit of a country is its production capacity. It is its degree of possibility to produce and deliver the goods to the needs.
And Social Credit affirms that financial credit must be the exact representation of the real credit.
It is therefore the production capacity that must determine the movement of finance. It is absolutely not for finance to command, paralyze or limit the production capacity.
This is why Social Credit demands the establishment of a credit office that would keep an account of national (or provincial) credit. Any production, those of consumption goods and those of capital goods, would then be entered as an increase of wealth. And all consumptions (or destruction, or depreciation) would then be entered as a decrease of wealth. The net increase in wealth would be production minus consumption.
With very few and passing exceptions where a country would live at the expense of another, the production of a country surpasses its consumption. The country is becoming richer. It is therefore absurd to say that it is going into debt. The public debt is an absurdity.
And when a country is getting richer, its citizens must certainly draw advantage of it. This is what Social Credit recognizes, when speaking of a dividend to all, instead of debts and taxes on everyone.
Money without inflation
The present system is subject to inflation. Inflation means rising prices.
When money cannot begin without, as today, creating a debt, it is necessary that ways be found to draw from the public more money than there was put into circulation, so as to refund the debt plus the interest of the debt. Whence taxes, that are added to prices or that diminish the purchasing power before the prices. Whence also increases of prices by industrials, who must draw from the public only the money to pay for the products, but also for the financial charges, the interests on the industrial loans.
Social Credit would suppress this cancer, this tumor upon the prices, since the production would be an increase of wealth, and not an indebtedness.
And, Social Credit would lower the prices to be paid by the buyers, since it would have the community pay only what it consumes, and not all what it produces.
If, as an example, in the whole country, the consumption was only equal to three quarters of the production, the buyers would only pay, on any article bought by them, only three quarters of the accounting price. The Credit Office would take care of compensating the retailer so that he may recuperate all of his accounting price.
This means that the amounts of money included in the prices, but not having reached the hands of the public, or directed towards saving or investment, are not applied to the purchase of the production, would be by the organism of credit replaced to the benefit of those who are in need of the products. This would prevent the accumulation of products in the face of needs. And the mechanism to do it would have the advantage of operating with a decrease in prices, therefore in eliminating all possible inflation.
A dividend to everyone
The periodic dividend to everyone, recommended by Social Credit, is also in conformity with the economic realities.
The modern production, in fact, is more and more the result of applied science, of inventions, of improvements in production techniques, and of all these things that constitute a common good: an heritage transmitted and increased from one generation to the other. The modern production is less and less the result of individual labour.
Hoping to distribute the production only through the reward of human labour, is therefore contrary to the facts. It is at the same time impossible, for the money distributed as recompense for work can never buy the production that contains other elements in its prices.
Seeking salary increases with decreases in human labour, is also to change the meaning of the word salary. It is no more a recompense for work; it is the inclusion in the salary of the hired persons of what should be a dividend for all, since it is the fruit of progress and not of labour. This deviation is a hindrance to the desired goal, since in becoming a salary instead of remaining a dividend, these additional amounts go into the prices.
Social Credit would distribute the dividend to everyone, directly, without charging it to industry. It would truly raise everyone's purchasing power.
Besides being the recognition of a very productive community capital, this social dividend would at the same time be an excellent way of satisfying the primitive destination of the earthly goods. "Earth and its riches were created for all men" (Pius XII). This is totally ignored by the present economic regime in its financial technique of distribution.
Social Credit would thus directly establish an adequate repartition of the goods of nature and of industry, instead of leaving the task to the surgery of taxation, that amputates and grafts continually, without ever healing the disease.
A share to each and everyone, guaranteed by the dividend to each and everyone from birth till death; and this share should be sufficient to at least insure what is necessary for life.
Louis EVEN
Sunday, September 11, 2016
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