All post-Soviet Russia is under pressure information. We are accused - we are justified. It is fair to say that such a situation much earlier. After about Soviet information machine of Stalin's death began to resemble more and more the car is idling - a lot of noise, and does not go.
Meanwhile, the human history tells us that all states without exception are equally pages in its history, which is pulling on the "light of God" can be extremely unpleasant. But today, everything happens on the same scenario: only discussed our complex last page. After that we either have to justify or accept the fact that it is Russian history is full of all sorts of passions and horrors.
In Ukraine, a long time attempts were made to announce the tragedy of famine of the early 30-ies of XX century as genocide. And this despite the fact that the tragedy occurred not only on the territory of Soviet Ukraine, but also in Kazakhstan, and in several other areas. But few know that in 10 years a far more severe famine struck the territory of the British Empire. At the same time, it is much more suitable for the description of genocide and was not the first that claimed millions of lives ...
That's what happened.
The official British version of the causes millions of deaths from starvation, artificially created by the British in 1942-1943 gg., Reads as follows. Allegedly, during the Second World War, the British feared the invasion of India by the Japanese, is moving in this direction. When the January 15, 1942 the Japanese took Singapore, and then appeared on the Japanese forces in Burma, the British administration began to take "precautionary measures". It borders with the territory of Burma is the Indian province of Bengal.These measures are as follows: take all the stocks of rice, and all the boats, with a capacity of more than 10 people . In the end, this is what led to mass starvation and millions of deaths. The Japanese attack on Bengal have not started, and a hurricane in October 1942 led to more floods. In addition, in 1941 the harvest was poor.
When the famine, the British never returned rice stocks back to Bengal and have not taken any measures to help the starving. It is these facts and make the official British version untenable.

Causes of hunger that the Japanese in Burma had been prepared 40 thousand. Indian National Army under the command of Subhas Chandra Bose, which was supposed to enter in Bengal and call it a mass uprising against the British. As in India hated Brits say it is not necessary. That is why the British and err - were taken consciously taken food (= rice) and eliminated the possibility of bringing up, and deprived population mobility (removal of the boats!).
" As a result of the invasion of the Japanese army in March 1942 in Burma and its rapid occupation of the war he came to the borders of India. The defeat of the British army in Burma, the capture of the angloindiyskih compounds panicky retreat of the British in India - all these reveal poor preparation of the colonial administration to protect the country from attack by the Japanese, but in turn contributed to increased political tensions.The tactics of the Congress there has been a turn to more active forms of struggle. In one of his articles published in April 1942 in the newspaper "Harijan", Gandhi put forward the slogan "Get out of India!", Which meant that demand for the immediate independence of India. Congress Working Committee at its meeting in the city of Wardha (Bombay Province) July 6 adopted a resolution which agreed to the defense of the British Indian armed forces, but at the same time supported the slogan "Get out of India!".Commenting on the adopted resolution, Gandhi said that the struggle for its implementation, which will be held in the form of a mass civil disobedience campaign can go beyond non-violence. This was a direct threat against the British. " Istorik.RU
Then, apparently in preparation for a "reflection of the Japanese attack," Gandhi and his wife had been arrested and imprisoned. Where Gandhi's wife died, and his health was very badly shaken. From the British democratic prison Mahatma Gandhi was released only in 1944 .

The British feared the uprising of Indians in the rear. Here it is - the main cause of the tragedy. In fact, besides Gandhi, calling for non-violent protest in Burma was near Indian National Army, and tens of millions around the British that hate Indians! Zone famine was a safety measure against the Japanese invasion of Britain. Where millions die from hunger, it can not be created million-strong army and go to the invading army - then feed the entire population, and more. It's very heavy burden. Japanese in India and did not go. And the British retained control over India ...
(Help For: In 1945, all prepared by the Japanese Indian National Army was captured, however, fear that the court over all its participants will lead to an immediate revolt, the British decided to do ... is democratic:. To prosecute military tribunal only three senior officers of the INA , the three main religious communities in the country - Hindu, Muslim and Sikh ).
Rice for the people of India - that's all, it accounts for 80 percent of the calories consumed by the population of Bengal.
"The price of rice in January 1942 was 6 rupees per Monde (a measure of weight equal to 37.1 kg), in June of the same year it jumped to 40 rupees. For the population the result was very sad. By June 1943 the price of rice has become unattainable for the majority of the poor.Landless peasants, small shopkeepers, weavers and artisans have been selling for a song his most fortunate neighbors, household goods, jewelry, tools, clothes. Sold even the doors and windows of their homes ... By May 6 in parts of the delta were dying of hunger, more and more people, especially in Chittagong. In June, the death rate in two times higher than the five-year average level, and in July - in 3-4 times the level typical for June ... Administration of Calcutta remain indifferent to the tragic situation.It was a silent army of beggars. Many of them died in the streets near the locked barn where it was stored the same figure, which could save them from starving to death ... The death rate from starvation reached its peak in December 1943 At the beginning of the year people died mainly from hunger, then later the cause of death They became co-morbidities such as chicken pox, cholera, malaria.Bengal government tried to stop the wave of deaths, but his methods were too weak, also undertaken with great delay. In addition, efforts in setting expectations of military actions were dispersed. Affected need to feed the factory workers producing goods for the army to protect India from the Japanese invasion that never came. Thus, 260 000 tonnes of rice purchased by the state at exorbitant prices from prosperous businessmen, 140 000 tonnes went for the needs of Calcutta and 65 000 tonnes were sent to rural areas of Bengal, where he began a severe famine. " Secrets and facts
The most conservative estimates put the number of famine in India in the 1942-1943 biennium. It reached 1.5 million. man. A more realistic assessment estimated the number of deaths in the 3-4 million. Man.
And the last thing I want to note - the mass genocide of the Indians was not the first under the rule of the British. (In this case of such large-scale tragedies of hunger before the capture of the British in India is not known). At the same time the arrival of the British in India began with Bengal - the most wealthy and populous region of the country. And the first famine-genocide, organized by the British in India was ... textile.
"After the" Glorious Revolution "of 1688 in Britain, a flood of Indian goods in the first place - cotton and silk, excellent quality. East - India Company a monopoly of supply and earn fabulous money, but at the same time, the domestic textile industry suffered Britain. This was the cause of the decision to ban the import of Indian cotton goods to Britain.The Government of the Kingdom were well aware that the domestic textile industry was not able to compete with India on the quality of the product and then it was decided to impose fabrics that do not fall under the ban on the import, impose a duty of 80% of the cost. However, having protected its market, the British could forbid import Indian textiles to Europe, where it still cost less British.Europe, Asia, North and South America overwhelmed textile diversity of India. It imported more than 30 kinds of tissues, and by the end of the XVII century. Indian silk virtually supplanted the British rough crafts with western European market. As a result, British landlords, began to suffer losses, and the English silk industry was on the verge of collapse. "
Solution for its textile industry problems found British radical - to conquer India. Of course, not only this reason led to the British aggression on the territory of India, but it was one of the few tangible. If you can not win in the competition - buy and destroy his rival.
"When the English taxes in India have grown annually, leading to the impoverishment of the local population. Successfully tried tactics of repression in Ireland showed himself equally well in India. As a result, farmers went bankrupt and had to sell their land at the expense of debt. Thus, only in the Madras region was auctioned sold 1.9 million. Acres of land for 10 years, the British stay in power, and almost 850 thousand. The peasants were thrown into the street. In fact, 1/8 of the population of the region was deprived of land, houses, cattle. For debts taken even the clothes, furniture, dishes!Thus, since the beginning of the XIX century, as the British were spreading their influence in India, famine has become commonplace in the country. According to a British official data, in India died of starvation: in 1800-1825 gg. - 1 million people .; in the 1825-1850 biennium. - 400 thousand people .;.in the 1850-1875 biennium. - 5 million people .; in the 1875-1900 biennium. - 26 million people. "
What is typical - the first mass genocide victims were ... just Indian weavers. Economic ties have been organized so that cheap factory products Englishmen simply thrown from the market and deprived of earning millions of people. A considerable part of them died of starvation ...

That famine, which the British had set up in Bengal, in fact, was the last straw that broke the patience of the people of India. In 1947, India gained independence. But how it was done! Before leaving, the British planted a bomb. In fact, in India, they have done what the Anglo-Saxons are doing today in Ukraine, creating from it "alternative Russian state." Divide into two parts, one nation and those of the pits together.
"February 20, 1947 Prime Minister Attlee England issued a" Declaration on India ", which contained the power transmission plans in the" Indian hands. " At the same time the United Kingdom has proposed the partition plan of India ( "Mountbatten Plan"), pursuant to which the territory of India created two Dominion - Indian Union and Pakistan. 563 principalities formed the India on the plan received the right to choose any part of the dominions of the created they want to enter.The leaders of the Congress, despite the opposition and warnings Gandhi, took the British proposal on the division of India. After June 3, 1947 the Viceroy of India L. Mountbatten announced the partition of British India and the creation of two independent states - India and Pakistan, the country broke the slaughter on religious grounds, and there were huge crowds of refugees. On the roads of the country's endless columns went in the opposite direction of people who were expelled from their seats. Only in Punjab the number of massacres victims has reached half a million people. According to official data, during this forced relocation killed about 700 thousand people. " The Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi
This is the story of ordinary British genocide.
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