- Empire of Good - Hunger in India
- May 23rd, 2013
The paradoxical situation takes place for more than thirty years in the information field of our Mother Earth. The fact that there will be a light flow of Ronald Reagan labeled "evil empire" to the Soviet Union did not have a logical counterweight in nature. Yin and Yang, without in any way, because the balance will be destroyed and then the apocalypse is inevitable.
Therefore, to save the world from imminent destruction of the space, I decided to find the missing piece.Examining options focused on the obvious - the United Kingdom, that this saving straw on the civilized community needed the world empire of good. And that would fully justify the name given in the course of the confrontation, you need to supplement it with a number of facts.
The fact a bloodthirsty and ruthless evil empire was the Soviet Union, we are well aware of the numerous documentary series Discovery Channel, History and many others. But so little is known about the light and the good accomplishments of Britain, that means it is necessary to correct this misunderstanding.
Earlier, we got acquainted with the achievements of the United Kingdom during the genocide of the Irishpeople, and China . Today let's talk about India.
British Colonial period, today exhibited in the West as the beginning of the formation of the Third World as a civilized entity. The fact that this happened and is still widely believed, though before the arrival of the British, mainly in the face of the East India Company, in their colonies there existed a wild lifestyle.
Colonies should thank Empire for what it is with the arrival of the white-wishers, the natives and the savages have access to the benefits of civilization, so that could make malomalski leap in the development and ironed very shabby and wildly in the twentieth century, in comparison with the fragrant civilized world.
Doubtful benefits Britain brought enslaved peoples, frankly. And here's why.
The arrival of the British in India began with the richest and most densely populated region of the country - Bengal. Of course, to some extent, the invaders interested in the riches of this region, but we should not forget that the British Empire was also trading monopoly and pursued commercial interests no less than the greed of plundering the national wealth.
It is the economic aspects of Britain's domestic policy led to millions of victims of the Great famine in Ireland.No less they played their role and the genocide of the Indian people. And the root cause of a century of suffering of the people has become commonplace - textiles.
After the "Glorious Revolution" in 1688 in Britain flooded with Indian products, first of all - cotton and silk, excellent quality. East - India Company a monopoly of supply and earn fabulous money, but at the same time, the domestic textile industry suffered Britain. This was the cause of the decision to ban the import of Indian cotton goods to Britain.
The Government of the Kingdom were well aware that the domestic textile industry was not able to compete with India on the quality of the product and then it was decided to impose fabrics that do not fall under the ban on the import, impose a duty of 80% of the cost. However, having protected its market, the British could forbid import Indian textiles to Europe, where it still cost less British.
Europe, Asia, North and South America overwhelmed textile diversity of India. It imported more than 30 kinds of tissues, and by the end of the XVII century. Indian silk virtually supplanted the British rough crafts with western European market. As a result, British landlords, began to suffer losses, and the English silk industry was on the verge of collapse.
Few talk about it, but in the middle of the XVIII century, Britain was on the brink of economic crisis because of the collapse of the textile industry. While British weavers could barely feed his family, and many are simply starving, their Indian counterparts earned unprecedented for Albion money. Wages spinner was 5 rupees and more weavers 6 rupees, fuller rupee reached 9. And all this despite the fact that the maintenance of a family member required less than 1 rupee.
The main benefits that are usually accompanied by colonization was to bring the benefits of civilization, technological advancements. Many still believe that this factor gave the main stimulus. For the economic development of the colonized country. But, excuse me, is it worth so to speak confidently about the backwardness of India, at the time of the invasion of the British, if it provides excellent fabric quality is not only a market, but also the Old World, creating a deadly competition for the industry in England?
Based on the foregoing, the United Kingdom making intervention in India, in order to bring the light of civilization to the wretched and backward people, who dared to encroach on monopolized served Her Majesty niche global market.
The beginning of the power of colonization can be considered a battle of Plassey (23 July 1757), when the Indian navabstvo Bengal came under the rule of the British East India company. The looting of Bengal enriched the company in the amount of 5.26 million pounds. The company awarded the entire fiscal machine Bengal. In one only Murshidabad British soldiers looted property of 3 million pounds. Art. In addition, the British collected goods from traders or bought them at bargain prices prices by blackmail (sell three times less or burn your business a bright flame) and imposed local population unwanted stale goods from their warehouses at incredibly high prices. The East India Company only from 1757 to 1780 earned £ 5 million in Bengal. Art. A total net income of the company in Bengal rose to 14 million 946 thousand. Rupees in 1765 to 30 million rupees per year in 1776-1777.
In total, how many have been plundered by the British in India is difficult to calculate, so vast amounts of exported values. When the Russian Empire took to count these volumes, they came to the conclusion that for 100 years in India, the British were enriched in the amount equal to 12 billion. Gold rubles! And when the American historian Brooks Adams in the early twentieth century took up the calculations stolen British Indian property, he came to the conclusion that only the first 15 years were exported values at 1 billion. £
In total, for the period from 1749 to 1858 India, the British plundered the following products: opium - to 74 million 390 f. Article .; grain - 23 million 190 thousand f.. Article .; raw cotton - 19 million 380 thousand f..Article .; wool - 2 million 210 thousand f.. v.
It is through these parasitic actions of Britain was able to provide not only a comfortable existence, but has followed the industrial revolution soon, which is only in its capacity in life would not be implemented.
In addition to the looting in India surged taxes, including twice increased the land tax. The British did not just decide, instead of robust competition to provide its products well positioned in the market, the invasion of the country of the competitor, but for one and good profit from the natural resources of the state. In the first year of colonial rule, Britain received the treasury with taxes of 1.4 million pounds. It is worth noting that during the reign of the Mughals, from the tyranny of the British which allegedly osvbodili Indians taxation brought into the treasury of about 740 thousand. Pounds (7 million Rs.).
When the English taxes in India have grown annually, leading to obneschaniyu local population.Successfully tried tactics of repression in Ireland showed himself equally well in India. As a result, farmers went bankrupt and had to sell their land at the expense of debt. Thus, only in the Madras region was auctioned sold 1.9 million. Acres of land for 10 years, the British stay in power, and almost 850 thousand. The peasants were thrown into the street. In fact, 1/8 of the population of the region was deprived of land, houses, cattle. For debts taken even the clothes, furniture, dishes!
However, the British did not stop only at looting India. In 1769-1770 gg. in the devastated British Bengal begins artificially created famine, which resulted in the region's population declined by 7 - 10 million people.In 1780-1790 gg. Britons spent repeat scenario in Bengal, causing the population is shrinking by 10 million people. Thus, in less than 20 years in the British in Bengal, the region's population declined by almost 20 million people -. More than half! Thus, from the beginning of the XIX century, as the British were spreading their influence in India, famine became commonplace in the country. According to a British official data, in India died of starvation: in 1800-1825 gg. - 1 million people .; in the 1825-1850 biennium. - 400 thousand people .;. in the 1850-1875 biennium. - 5 million people .; in the 1875-1900 biennium. -. 26 million peoplesince the beginning of the XX century Britain "in order to avoid discrediting the policy of the Empire in the colonies" begins to carefully hide the data on the number of victims of hunger in India. And if the previously stated about the millions who died, even proud, as it did in 1834, the British Governor-General, with a sense of accomplishment reporting to London: "Plains Indian weavers whiten the bones", it is now desirable to keep silent about what is happening in a distant colony. We only know that in the early twentieth century, the situation has not improved in India and the genocide continued. According to data from various sources, including the Russian Empire, it became known that: in the 1905-1906 biennium. Hunger was rampant in areas with a population of 3.3 million people .; in 1906-1907. - With a population of 13 million; in the 1907-1908 biennium. - 49.6 million people. The exact number of deaths from starvation was not possible to establish, in addition, to conceal the truth, all the deaths from malnutrition blamed on cholera and the plague broke out in the affected areas of hunger. We can only expect what part of this colossal lie was true, because in the period 1896-1908 gg. allegedly died from the disease 6 million. people. It would seem that in the twentieth century was to stop the total destruction of the Indians, but it is not. In 1933, the director of the Medical Service of India Major-General John Mego said that in India, 80 million people are starving, and after 10 years of British administration in Bengal consciously organized another year of famine, which killed at least 3.5 million people. Organization of hunger was a response of "August Revolution," in 1942 the British administration to the population the northern and eastern districts of the city and support (especially the mass in Bengal), "Indian National Army" Subhas Chandra Bose. In total, during the period from 1943-1944,.from hunger in these regions killing more than 5 million. man. The effects of the genocide of the Indian people could not hide the lies and visual signals to the epidemic. So Russian traveler and writer A. Rotchev, who visited India in the early 40-ies. . XIX in, he describes what he saw with horror: "What is left of Udzheyna, Bhopal, Jaipur, Gwalior, Indore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Furkabada, Delhi and Agra, the capital city, the once blooming? For several miles around them visible shattered columns, ruined temples and dilapidated, single monuments. Wild beasts and reptiles reptiles replaced the population, all dull and empty around ... "
A.RotchevAlso, Alexander Gavrilovic in his notes notices All insignificant nature of the colonists: "One can not help ask yourself what led various missionary sent to India, they only showed their insignificance first should be taken for the improvement of the physical side of population and then pay attention?. on morality: people suffering from hunger and cold, first of all require food and clothing in a country where so many accidents, you will not find a single civilian hospital, any charitable institution; only military and employees of the company are here for the right of the government of compassion. . "Themselves as the British themselves and issue official documents describing Bengal, before the conquest, as a populous country with a vast and densely populated cities. So, the governor of Bengal, Clive R. eve of the conquest of the country of the East India wrote that the city of Dhaka and Murshidabad "huge, crowded and rich as the City of London", and in 1789 his colleague, Governor General Charles Cornwallis wrote that due the death of a third of the population from hunger possessions of the East India company, "has turned into a jungle inhabited only by wild beasts."
Centuries of colonial tyranny in India have led to its economic and demographic impoverishment. Yes, many will say that now it is the most populous country in the world. But, do not be a tyranny of the Good Empire in Bengal and elsewhere, it is possible that India in the early twentieth century would change the balance of geopolitical power in the world. And it is noteworthy that the two powers (China and India), have suffered enormous economic and human losses from the British presence in their lands, are now experiencing a population boom and economic dawn, while preserving the culture and traditions. Nature laws?
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Justice! I would like to see her final triumph against the Empire of Good! :)
Thanks for the interesting article! Good writing, ideological! Edited to AT 6.6.2013 07:56 pm (the UTC)
Why no new article?
You have not abandoned your LJ?
But seriously, in the specific case of British politicians and managers oppress other nations for their well-being, and our politicians and emperors oppressed and continues to oppress its own people. ..