Thursday, April 7, 2016

Europe – Are the EU and Euro on the Verge of Collapse? By Peter Koenig

Europe – Are the EU and Euro on the Verge of Collapse?

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This article is dedicated to Greece, to the Greek people, as they have been victimized by a set of white collar criminal organizations – nothing less than the European Union (EU) with its unelected European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB) – which is not really a Central Bank, but a mere instrument to serve the FED and Wall Street plundering Europe’s social safety nets and physical assets, plus the Washington controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF) – altogether, the so-called troika.
The Eurozone Made in America
The EU and its currency, the euro are doomed to collapse. It’s just a question of time. The EU is a purposeful miss-construct and its currency, the euro as fake and hollow as is the US dollar. As such they are bound to crash. How long can the Emperor of Chaos, the United States of America, and his European minions postpone such an implosion? And why is the US interested in preserving the EU? Because they created the EU for their economic and geopolitical / strategic purposes. That’s why.
The European Union is an invention of the United States. It was never a European idea. This Machiavellian self-serving concept of Washington was conceived after WWII under the command of the Anglo-Zionist-dominated financial oligarchs – Wall Street and the FED, both of which are linked by a revolving door. The Federal Reserve (FED), representing the US Central Bank, is unlike other central banks around the world, entirely privately owned. This financial oligarchy is heavily stained by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. The FED and Wall Street, and the globalized worldwide (western) banking system constitute the one money-printing and money-making apparatus that (still) controls the world, the fiat dollar economy. It is debt-driven and operates like a pyramid Ponzi scheme.
After WWII, Europe was to be rebuilt under the command and strict control of the United States of America and under a series of iron-clad macro-economic and geopolitical strategies which would leave down-trodden Europe little alternative than being forever thankful to America, its purported savior and new partner (in crime) and ally, or better, their new masters. Part of this strategy was the Marshall Plan (also called the European Recovery Program), named after then Secretary of State, George C. Marshall. The Plan was a revolving fund, consisting of a donation by the US of US$ 13 billion, or about US$ 130 billion in 2016 terms.
Implementation started in 1948 and officially lasted for 4 years, benefitting 18 European countries. Most funds were on-lent as loans, reimbursed and lent again and again – the revolving fund principle. The initial 4-year implementation period was largely exceeded. In fact, some of the Marshall Plan funds are still in circulation, managed and lent to poor regions of Europe by a special department of the German Bank for Reconstruction (German acronym: KfW – Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau), the development bank, created to administer the Marshall Plan funds on the European side.
A precursor to the Marshall Plan was the foundation in 1944 of the Bretton Woods Institutions (Bretton Woods meeting, image above), the World Bank and the IMF. Both of them are dominated by the US having the only veto power. The objective of both organizations was to gear Europe in the ‘right direction’. The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) was to administer the Marshall Plan from the US side and the IMF was to regulate and control the ‘hard currencies’, meaning, enforcing the gold / dollar parity of mostly European countries. Tying the ‘hard currencies’ to the US dollar was a key strategy to be managed by the IMF – that prevails almost without fail as of this date.
Other than reconstructing Europe, the Plan’s objectives had to help eliminate trade barriers, ‘deregulate’ Europe – and, foremost, prevent communism from spreading. The Marshall Plan was part and parcel of the US concept of a European Union. It was a first attempt to link Europe together by a common development fund.
Also part of the geopolitical strategy was to make Europe into a ‘buffer zone’ facing the Soviet Union, militarizing the Continent by NATO under the pretext of defending war-weakened Europe against a possible invasion from the Soviet Union. French President De Gaulle was the only European leader who recognized the scam, withdrew France from the Anglo-Saxon dominated NATO and called on Europe to build its independent defense force. De Gaulle was a visionary who foresaw that NATO was nothing but an occupation power, engaging Europe in aggressively confronting the Soviet Union, thereby enhancing and promoting the Cold War.
The Cold War too was a construct ‘made in USA’. It was based on false propaganda and fear mongering; on the pretense the Soviet Union was on a course of expansion and therefore meant a threat for Europe. This lie allowed the US military industrial complex to steadily expand, forcing Europe as a NATO partner to invest ever more of its economic gains in armament, causing an arms race between the US / NATO and the Soviet Union, an arms race that was zapping all the energy of developing and re-industrializing a war-torn and broken Soviet Union. Within the US the Cold War justified an ever growing weapons industry, with ever growing profits, with a steadily growing dependence on conflicts around the world, to the point where the American economy today could not survive without armed conflicts it foments and nurtures throughout the globe. Europe, the EU, driven by NATO, is fast moving into the same direction.
Europe, a natural partner of the Soviet Union, today Russia, was – and still is – obliged to follow Washington’s dictate in becoming an ‘enemy’ of its real liberator from Hitler-Germany. The Soviet Union lost about 25 million people in WWII most of them in defeating Germany to the point of surrender. The western allies at the end of the war, when the dirty work was done and the dice were cast, walked in and claimed victory. Nothing had changed in 70 years. The EU obeys blindly the wishes of the US caliphate, ordering it to impose sanctions on Russia, that damages Europe more than Russia.
Churchill’s “United States of Europe”
In 1946, shortly after the end of WWII, and just before the reconstruction of Europe began, Winston Churchill, the self-styled European ruler (sic) over the beaten Continent called already for a “United States of Europe”. The UK played then and still plays today, the US mole in Europe, clandestinely defending American interests. While WWII was devastating Europe, secret US-Zionist think tanks (sic) were concocting the way a common Europe may be shaped so as to later enslave it to serve the United States of America.
The corner stone for a future European Union was set by the foundation of the Council of Europe in 1949, followed by the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), hence, establishing the first US-dominated transatlantic trading link. Already in 1955, the Anglo-Zionist led Bilderberg Society pledged for a common currency and a common, integrating European market which emerged from the 1958 Treaties of Rome as the ‘European Economic Community’ (EEC).
Successive pacts, all driven by Washington, of course with Europe’s subservient consent, up to the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, followed by the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007, made Europe into the world’s largest economic union of US vassal states in the world. At no point a political European federation was foreseen. That would have been too dangerous for America, possibly threating their world hegemony. For that reason, the EU does not have a Constitution. As can be testified by Greece and Cyprus, as well as Ireland, Portugal and Spain, today there is no solidarity between the 28 EU member states, let alone between those 19 nations that share the same currency, the euro.
The ECU (European Currency Unit), created in 1979, was a virtual currency of account (a common monetary measuring unit for goods, services and liabilities) among the then eight participating European states. It was the first currency to link the major European economies. The ECU was followed on January 1, 1999 by the euro, a hard currency. Like the dollar, the British Pound, Yuan, Yen and more, the euro is fiat money, not based on anything, other than a basket of the member countries national currencies. Their weight within the basket was based on the weight of the member countries’ relative economies. Likewise, the euro is produced at will, and increasingly so, as the neoliberal doctrine is debt über alles (debt above everything), an instrument for enslavement.
The economic crash of 2007 / 2008 / 2009 – and ongoing – in the US reflected an over-speculated sub-prime housing market. It was not a coincidence. Banks led by Wall Street, reaped in high profits before they collapsed – just to be ‘bailed-out’ by the state (tax-payers). Common wisdom goes that the ‘financial crisis’ that hit Europe at the same time, was intimately linked to the US man-made housing collapse.
In reality, however, the European economic downturn was and is a different cattle of fish. The crisis was manufactured, because the euro was strong, reflecting the state of the European economy. It steadily gained strength vis-à-vis the US dollar, thereby gradually replacing the dollar as reserve currency around the world – hence, endangering the dollar hegemony. That, of course, was not allowed to happen. The euro had to be weakened and subdued. And so the manmade crisis was born. The Greek ‘debt crisis’ was the finger-pointed and highly propagandized culprit. The ‘crisis’ lowered the value of the euro against the dollar, so that international markets were regaining confidence

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